study astronomy in Belarus

Study Astronomy in Belarus

Studying astronomy in Belarus is the right decision for all foreign students, no matter which country they belong to.


Astronomy in Belarus is taught at many state universities, and many foreign students come to study astronomy at these universities in Belarus, which are located in different cities in Belarus.

The tuition fee in Belarus to study astronomy for foreign students is very affordable, and parents of foreign students consider this factor too while sending their children for higher education abroad.

Universities in Belarus prepare the best astronomic specialists. These specialists in astronomy are highly relied upon worldwide because of the high quality of education at universities in Belarus.

The teaching staff at these faculties where foreign students complete their astronomy degree is very friendly, and the way of teaching is very cooperative.

These foreign students study astronomy courses with highly equipped practical workshops at Belarusian universities to prepare them for the future.

These foreign students study together with national students and live in university hostels, as every state university in Belarus has its own hostels where these foreign students reside during their whole academic period of study.

Qualifications Required for Studying Astronomy in Belarus

Astronomy in Belarus at all state universities is taught at the bachelor’s and master’s levels.

A bachelor’s degree in Belarus is taught for 4 years at all state universities, and a master’s degree in Belarus is taught for 2 years at any university in Belarus.

To study for a bachelor degree, the admissions office requires a copy of the secondary school certificate with a travel passport copy for eligibility evaluation.

Indian and Pakistani students should also have a 10+2 certificate with them when studying astronomy in Belarus.

For masters in Belarus, all foreign applicants should provide their bachelor degree for admission; it does not matter from which country they passed this bachelor degree.


Once admission documents are ready, every foreign applicant may scan his or her admission documents in the email of admissions staff, which is mentioned below.

We always recommend that foreign applicants scan their admission documents, as sending original documents through postal or courier services is very expensive and time-consuming.

Once admission documents are received in the email of admissions staff, they evaluate the documents within 2 days and inform each applicant via an eligibility or ineligibility email.

Those foreign students who are found eligible send their admission fee and scan the fee receipt in the email of admissions staff, which they used to send their admission documents for assessment.

We try our level best to not leave any foreign applicant without admission, so ineligible applicants are requested to send more supportive academic documents for their admission.


After receiving the admission fee, admission documents are forwarded to the migration department for the issuance of an official admission letter.

All official admission letters are only issued by the migration department in Belarus, not by the universities.

Every foreign applicant must require this official admission letter for his or her Belarus student visa issuance, no matter whether it is issued upon arrival at Minsk International Airport or before arrival by the Embassy of Belarus in their country.

Foreign applicants from India, Egypt, Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa, and Pakistan must obtain their Belarus student visa before arriving at the embassies of Belarus in their countries.

All other Asian and African nationals are issued the Belarus student visa upon arrival at Minsk International Airport with the help of an official study invitation letter and OK TO BOARD for departure from the country’s international airport.

International Students Studying Astronomy

International students come from everywhere to Belarus and join several degree and language courses.

Astronomy is offered at state universities, and in Belarus at present, there are no Afghan international students studying at astronomy faculties.

From Bahrain, rarely do foreign students ask for astronomy courses, but sometimes there are inquiries from Bahrain.

Bhutanese nationals do not normally come to Belarus to study astronomy courses.

From Brunei, rarely do some foreign students inquire about astronomy degree programs in Belarus.

At present, in Belarus, at astronomy faculties, there are no Cambodian international students studying astronomy.

Chinese international students sometimes come to Belarus and join astronomy faculties for their bachelor courses.

From Cyprus, no astronomy international students have ever come to Belarus.

Indian international students often show interest in Belarus to study their astronomy courses, and they come from the different cities in India.

Indonesian students have no presence in Belarus at astronomy faculties.

Iranian international students often inquire about studying astronomy in Belarus.

Iraqi nationals also have no presence in Belarus at astronomy faculties.

Israeli nationals sometimes come to Belarus and join undergraduate astronomy courses.

Japanese international students come to Belarus rarely to study at astronomy undergraduate and graduate faculties.

Jordanian nationals love to be in Belarus and join different courses, but they have no presence at astronomy faculties.

Astronomy international students from Kuwait never arrived in Belarus.

In Belarus, there are no astronomy students from Laos studying at state universities.

Lebanese international students are accepted at all faculties in Belarus, but for astronomy, there is no presence of Lebanese students.

Malaysian international students sometimes inquire about astronomy courses, and hopefully, in the future, astronomy students will arrive in Belarus.

There are no astronomy students from the Maldives at present in Belarus.

Mongolian international students also never showed interest in Belarus to study astronomy courses.

Belarus never admitted any astronomy international students from Myanmar.

Nepalese international students come to Belarus for preparatory courses, but for astronomy, they never applied.

North Korean international students often inquire about astronomy courses, and Belarus welcomes them.

Oman nationals also have no interest in Belarus for astronomy courses.

Palestine nationals rarely ask for details about astronomy courses offered in Belarus.

Philippine nationals sometimes request details for astronomy courses in Belarus.

From Qatar, sometimes foreign nationals come to Belarus for astronomy degree courses.

From Saudi Arabia, sometimes foreign students ask for details about astronomy education.

Singaporean nationals also show interest in studying astronomy, sometimes in Belarus.

In the past, South Korean international students also arrived in Belarus and joined different courses.

Syrian international students never showed interest in studying astronomy in Belarus.

Taiwanese nationals rarely come to Belarus and join astronomy courses.

Thai nationals are always welcome in Belarus for all courses, including astronomy.

Turkish international students come to Belarus for all courses, and they sometimes show interest in astronomy courses too.

From the United Arab Emirates, many foreign students like to study different courses abroad, and Belarus also welcomes them at astronomy faculties.

Yemeni nationals are not present in Belarus at astronomy faculties.

Even astronomy is not a very popular course among international Algerian students, but sometimes they ask for course details.

Among Angolan international students, astronomy courses are also not very popular.

Benin nationals also inquire about astronomy courses.

Belarus never received any astronomy students from Burundi.

From Botswana, sometimes international students ask for details in astronomy.

Cameroonian international students come to Belarus for all courses, no matter their medical, engineering, or other courses; sometimes they inquire about astronomy courses too.

Chad nationals never came to Belarus for astronomy courses.

No astronomy students arrived in Belarus from the Comoros or Chad.

Ivory Coast nationals often apply for admission to different faculties, but for astronomy, there are no international students from Ivory Coast in Belarus.

Congolese international students, due to many educational factors, take Belarus as an ideal study abroad destination, and they sometimes ask for details for astronomy courses too.

Egyptian foreign students often in Belarus apply for their different courses, and also for astronomy sometimes.

Eritrean international students also apply for admission to astronomy faculties, but very rarely.

Swaziland nationals are welcomed in Belarus at all faculties, and at astronomy faculties too.

Ethiopian international students come to Belarus for other courses, but not astronomy at present.

Gabon nationals rarely ask for details regarding astronomy.

Gambian international students come to Belarus for all courses; sometimes they inquire about astronomy too.

Ghanaian international students are accepted in Belarus at all faculties, no matter medical, engineering, or other faculties, and at astronomy faculties too.

Guinean international students have never asked for astronomy courses until now.

Kenyan international students rarely show interest in Belarus for astronomy education.

Lesotho nationals never arrived in Belarus for astronomy courses.

Liberian international students always prefer Belarus to other European countries due to its low tuition fee and excellent teaching, and sometimes they inquire about astronomy courses too.

Libyan international students do not normally join astronomy courses in Belarus at present.

There are no Malawian international students in Belarus studying astronomy.

Mali nationals also never came to Belarus and joined astronomy faculties.

Mauritanian nationals rarely apply in Belarus for admission.

Moroccan international students sometimes ask for astronomy course details.

At present, in Mauritius, there are no astronomy students in Belarus.

Namibian international students show interest in all faculties, and for astronomy courses, they inquire sometimes.

Nigerian international students, whenever they apply in Belarus for admission, no matter which course, are warmly welcomed at all state universities.

Rwandan international students also come to Belarus for different medical and engineering courses, but for astronomy courses, they have no presence in Belarus.

Senegalese international students rarely arrive in Belarus due to the poor economy of Senegal.

South African international students show interest in all courses available in Belarus, and they also sometimes join astronomy faculties.

Sierra Leonese nationals never came to Belarus to study at astronomy faculties.

Sudanese international students are accepted at all faculties, but for astronomy, they rarely come to Belarus.

Tanzanian international students never joined astronomy faculties in Belarus.

Togolese international students have no presence in Belarus at astronomy faculties.

Tunisian international students are welcomed in Belarus to study astronomy courses, provided they apply for admission.

Ugandan international students sometimes ask for details of astronomy courses taught in Belarus.

Zambian international students are known as excellent international students, and Belarus always welcomes them to all faculties.

Zambian international students sometimes inquire about astronomy courses too.

Zimbabwean foreign students never joined astronomy courses in Belarus.

In Belarus, there are no Albanian international students at present studying astronomy.

Austrian foreign students never came to Belarus until now to join astronomy faculties.

From Belgium, astronomy international students rarely inquire about this course of astronomy.

Bosnian international students sometimes show interest in studying in Belarus at astronomy faculties.

Bulgarian international students sometimes join different courses in Belarus.

Croatian international students also come to Belarus for their higher education, but for astronomy faculties, there are no Croatian foreign students at present.

From Cyprus, different foreign nationals come to Belarus to join medical and engineering faculties, but for astronomy, no foreign students have arrived.

Till now, in Denmark, there are no astronomy foreign students.

From Finland, there is no presence of foreign students at astronomy faculties.

France is a country of different foreign nationals, and from France, rarely foreign students ask for astronomy courses.

From Germany, rarely do foreign students come to study astronomy.

There are no Greek international students at present in Belarus at astronomy faculties.

From Hungary, sometimes foreign students ask for details regarding astronomy courses.

Iceland is a country from which I never arrived in Belarus as an astronomy student.

From Ireland, sometimes foreign students ask for astronomy course details who are interested in Belarus.

At present, in Belarus, there are no astronomy students studying their courses who come from Italy.

International students from Kosovo often inquire in Belarus about joining astronomy courses at state institutes.

From Malta, there are no astronomy students at present in Belarus.

From Montenegro, sometimes foreign students request details for astronomy courses.

Belarus has no Dutch nationals studying astronomy in Belarus.

Macedonian international students ask for details, but rarely for astronomy degree programs in Belarus.

There are no Norwegian students present in Belarus studying astronomy.

Portugal nationals often arrive in Belarus and join different courses, including astronomy, but rarely.

Romanian international students also come to Belarus for their education but rarely study astronomy.

Serbian international students always show interest in Belarus for their education abroad.

Slovenian international students love to be abroad for higher education, and sometimes they show interest in Belarusian astronomy courses too.

Spanish international students often travel abroad for different medical and engineering courses, and Belarus also admits them to astronomy faculties.

Swedish nationals rarely join higher educational programs in Belarus.

Swiss nationals never arrived in Belarus to join astronomy courses.

A good number of foreign students from the United Kingdom apply for their medical courses every year in Belarus, and some show interest in astronomy too.

Any foreign national who wants to study in Belarus for his or her astronomy course may contact us freely at any time.

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